The Mercado Family

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Baby Prep

The baby's room is ready, the garden is put in, the house has been cleaned (a few times over), the yard work has been done (a few times over), the food has been bought and the clothes washed both many times over. Grandma Pat has come, and gone, yet where is the baby? He's still happily comfortable in Mom's tummy! Many walks have been walked, we even did some MC Hammer dancing and the Bunny Hop! It's almost comical. Not to diss walking or other natural labor inductions, but if you're body, or the baby, is not quite ready, you can do those things until you're blue in the face, and the baby will not come.

Luckily, we have our back-up plan. Jason is about to pick his mom and sister from the airport. They will have a crash course on the Victoria and Karissa schedule tonight and tomorrow, then it's off the the hospital bright and early on Tuesday to be pumped with pitocin, again. Unless, of course, baby decides his mom was right all along and he will come June 1, just like she said from the beginning.

Here's some pictures at Victoria's preschool graduation. It was very windy, so the paper grad hats didn't work too well!


  1. Here's hoping the baby comes ASAP so you don't have to be pumped full of Pitocin!!!

  2. Recognize the cute shirt...Your stomach looks HUGE! That kid is going to be 8 pounds for sure!!

  3. You better have that baby soon! You're running out of projects!!!
