The Mercado Family

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Jason's Birthday

Jason's birthday was Friday. We celebrated it with a pizza special that included buffalo wings and bread sticks (of course I had to add veggies to the menu, I've got to keep the old hubby healthy!) We topped it off with his favorite-- carrot cake and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

He received new slippers, since his old ones had mouths and could talk, and a Chilean cookbook. He loves to experiment with cuisines from PR and Chile.

The best gift of all, in my opinion, was the fact that the doctor that day told me that I'm dialated to a "one" and am 80% effaced! So maybe this baby will come on his own after all!

Victoria is excited for cake.


  1. Happy Birthday to Jason! And almost-Happy Birthday to your baby, Miss Dialating and Effacing Mama!! :)

  2. I keep waiting to hear you have had baby! We are very excited for you!
