The Mercado Family

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Step By Step

 It's too bad Jason didn't have a mid-winter break last week, like the kids did. Luckily, he did manage to get a good deal done on Saturday. We kept the day less busy so he could. The rest of the break last week was full of art class for Karissa and working on her science fair project with a friend, roller skating, more sledding for Victoria, and a few play dates. We were busy! So, by Saturday, which included the usual dance and ice hockey, we needed to be home more! The weather turned out to feel more like spring break by Saturday, though, so we did have to take a walk to the park to take advantage, but Jason got some solid work time in since there were no big activities for him to help with.

We weren't planning on putting up the new wall for the extra room, but decided since it was already a mess, we might as well do it now! So, Jason built this wall.
Note the freezer at the far left in the doorway.

Note the freezer has been moved.

The other side will be a guest room, eventually, and the girls' doll room. They always like to have a big set-up for their American Girl dolls, undisturbed, and there's just not enough space in their bedrooms for it. The wall is now completely dry walled, but I can't display those pictures because for some reason they aren't downloading onto the computer- grrrr! I also took pictures of the windows which are posing a new challenge for Jason, extending the project, but he's figuring it out and getting it done, step by step.

He finished the back of the shelving unit with the melamine, which was the main reason for this whole project; nice shelving space.

 The other reason for putting the new wall up now is so that when we sand, the dust won't get all over our stuff in that little guest room. We can hang a tarp over the doorway and not worry about cleaning all that mess up off the piles of stuff stored there. We did, however, sand the corner where the freezer goes and painted it so we could put the freezer back. It was in the doorway of our new wall. Once Jason put the drywall up, we weren't going to get into that room!

Voila! Something is back in it's place!

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