The Mercado Family

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Name that Season

Look at this picture and tell me what month you think it is here. Could be October (Halloween jack-o-lantern bucket), any winter month, or April (Easter bunny).

Well, it is March. I took this picture this morning after a fresh small covering of snow. We still have many bigger piles of snow from December. It was also 14 degrees this morning.

BTW, Erik has been carrying this pumpkin around off and on for months. Mostly to carry his cars and other odd items. When he doesn't have his pumpkin, he still has his cars. Always Lightning McQueen and Filmore, sometimes other characters from the Cars movie.

One way the boys and I kept sane this winter was we took advantage of the Jungle Java passes we received every month since January. Jungle Java is a glorified McDonald's play place with a jungle theme. It's an indoor playground with snacks and drinks for sale. We met up with Logan and another friend every month to play for a few hours. Now that it's "spring", no more good coupons. Boo. It was fun while it lasted!

Snack time with Logan, Ian, and Austin. This is the only pic. where Austin didn't make a crazy face since he wasn't looking at my camera!

The slides were a favorite. They are pretty fast!

Going so fast he's blurry!

I don't know why this one didn't turn out, but you can see Erik has Lightning McQueen in his right hand and Filmore in his left. He carries them everywhere!

Fun tunnel
We're looking forward to playing outside soon!


  1. I hear ya. When the weather is miserable, it's hard to find fun things to do with the kids. I generally have the opposite trouble though, being from Texas - usually it's too hot and humid to be outside (unless we're in the pool). Glad you found some relief!

  2. it snowed her today,,but didnt stay,,and I have one daffodil that popped its head
