The Mercado Family

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Name that Season

Look at this picture and tell me what month you think it is here. Could be October (Halloween jack-o-lantern bucket), any winter month, or April (Easter bunny).

Well, it is March. I took this picture this morning after a fresh small covering of snow. We still have many bigger piles of snow from December. It was also 14 degrees this morning.

BTW, Erik has been carrying this pumpkin around off and on for months. Mostly to carry his cars and other odd items. When he doesn't have his pumpkin, he still has his cars. Always Lightning McQueen and Filmore, sometimes other characters from the Cars movie.

One way the boys and I kept sane this winter was we took advantage of the Jungle Java passes we received every month since January. Jungle Java is a glorified McDonald's play place with a jungle theme. It's an indoor playground with snacks and drinks for sale. We met up with Logan and another friend every month to play for a few hours. Now that it's "spring", no more good coupons. Boo. It was fun while it lasted!

Snack time with Logan, Ian, and Austin. This is the only pic. where Austin didn't make a crazy face since he wasn't looking at my camera!

The slides were a favorite. They are pretty fast!

Going so fast he's blurry!

I don't know why this one didn't turn out, but you can see Erik has Lightning McQueen in his right hand and Filmore in his left. He carries them everywhere!

Fun tunnel
We're looking forward to playing outside soon!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Young Minds

I don't know what happened, but somehow my pictures are loading again!! So, here's my blog from last week....

Victoria participated in the school's science fair this year. Over a month ago we were given the information to get started and she was excited to conduct a real experiment (or experience, as she calls it). She wanted to know which is better for plants, water or milk.

As you can see from the pictures, milk does not do a plant good! She did great on her project and her presentation as people came by her trifold. She says she loves science!

Meanwhile, she and Karissa have been busy with other little creations. Victoria is working on a quiet book that requires some sewing, which she's doing well at. Karissa loves getting out paper, glue, markers, and odd items and creating things like a "feeling chart" where you feel different textures, dog collars for her stuffed animals, a stuffed pig, and musical instruments. Everyone ended up making the instruments with her when Grandma was here.
Busy at work .

I couldn't get this to turn, but at least I have pictures! Here's her "feeling" chart.

Stuffed Pig Karissa made me for my birthday.

Here's one I added from last weekend. We got to go to Jason's game on Friday since it started earlier, Karissa decided to make a poster for him. Austin did too, but didn't outline it, so you can't see it very well, but he did bubble letters all by himself! They were some good cheerleaders!

I love watching them get so excited over such simple, fun pleasures! I hope they enjoy doing these things for a long time!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Change of Plans

Yesterday I wrote a blog about the science fair and a couple of other things. I wanted to post four pictures with it, but for some reason they wouldn't load. We changed Internet services from AT&T to WOW on Monday and are changing over from our ancient huge computer to our laptop with a docking station. Our Internet had been having problems and was sometimes so slow, or not moving at all, that we decided to make these changes. Well, so far I'm not impressed. The Internet is not any faster and I can't get my pics on my blog!!  I don't do much on the computer and don't even need the Internet 24/7, myself, but I do want a working blog! I'll have to post the blog from yesterday another day.

So, today, my birthday, I wake up to school being cancelled due to a huge snowstorm! We've gotten three inches already and are supposed to get another 4 or 5 in the next couple hours! Okay, so what, right? Well, we still had about 2 feet left over from Christmas! It had finally started melting over the last few days with temps in the high 30s and 40s. Yesterday, it got up to 53 degrees. The kids and I were outside without coats and with snow boots so we could walk around in the snow. It was the weirdest feeling ever being in such "warm" weather in that much snow! I took pictures, but I guess you can't see them right now

Today I was supposed to go to lunch with Jason by his work. My good friend offered to watch my boys for that. I could have still gone, but the roads are so bad I don't need to leave all my kids behind and travel through all this. Another friend is watching my boys Friday, so I'll do lunch with Jason then. I have such good friends! It's a good thing I like the snow, otherwise this could be a very bad day! The only other thing that makes this much snow okay is the fact that we had those 9 sunny days in So. Cal. over Christmas. A little summer in December helped.

We're going to party-hardy today!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Karissa's Dance

Keeping Active

Well, it's March. We still have the same snow (and tons more) on the ground that we had in December. Yesterday, on 3/3 it was 3 degrees when I took the girls to school. What is that?! I'm not expecting 50 degree weather here, just in the high 20's, at least!!

As you know, Jason has been playing indoor soccer on Friday nights (that's how he got to wear that lovely brace and sling, which he's out of now and only wearing a temporary wrist brace). He's playing with the "over 30" men from our ward and another ward against other "older" men in the area at High Velocity Sports. He really likes soccer, so it's fun for him to be able to play. He played goalie until he hurt his shoulder. Then he was playing on the field when he hurt his wrist. Those old men are rough! I got to watch him play when my mom was here.

Not a very good pic with the fence in the way, but he looks ready!

As you can see, his arm was still in the brace at this game.
Something that I've been doing, besides my indoor work-out, is playing basketball at the church with some other ladies in the Stake. Yes, you read it right, I'm playing basketball! You can laugh out loud if you want, I do! I wanted to play last year because I actually like the sport, but I chickened out. This year, a friend a mine who's not a member of our church wanted to play and wanted me to also, so I agreed. This is the first time ever that I've played an organized game of basketball. Some of the players played college ball and are awesome, some are just pretty good, then there's me and a couple of others who probably look pretty ridiculous. But, hey, last game I made 5 baskets!! I'm getting better each week! (They're all helping me and being extra nice when I have the ball, too!)

Karissa decided to try the hip hop class at the gymnastics studio for the last session. They got to perform their dance for the parents in class last week. Here it is:

(Okay, never mind. I'm having problems with getting it from YouTube to here, but I was able to put it in a separate blog. Look at the next one!)