The Mercado Family

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sweetest Day

Have you ever heard of Sweetest Day? Well, I hadn't, until a couple of days ago I saw those words a couple of times on the Internet, but I didn't think much about it. So I found out yesterday from my neighbor that yesterday was Sweetest Day. He and his wife had exchanged gifts just like it was Valentine's Day. I asked him if it was just a Michigan holiday or one celebrated throughout the US. He told me everyone in the US celebrates it and it has been a "holiday" since 1920! Later, I asked Jason about it, 'cause I really didn't think I was that out of it and he told me it was like a regional thing, around Ohio and Michigan mostly. Phew! But still, we've lived here 4 years now and I've never heard of it until now!

Luckily, we really had it all planned out. Jason had bought tickets awhile back for us to go to the Michigan -Iowa game at the "Big House" (Michigan's stadium which is the largest football stadium in the US). We got a babysitter and I was away from the kids for over 6 hours-- what a record! It was a fun game, even though we lost and Michigan really had some rough moments, but there were some hopeful moments and exciting ones as well. The best part was being alone with my hubby at a football game, just like back in the day. Another cool part was that we were two of the 112,734 people at this game, which is a record for people attending a college football game (though I know how they fit so many people at the Big House, the seats are 6 inches smaller than at other stadiums!) Also, when we got home, the house was somewhat in order and all of my kids were in bed! I did miss putting my babies to bed, but I must say it was nice to just come home and relax!

Happy Sweetest Day!

Here's what a quarter of 112,734 looks like.Let's go Blue!

Here's our wrinkly faces in the sun.


  1. Um, Happy Sweetest Day!! Definitely never heard of it before.

    Wow, what a crowd! How much of those six hours away from the kids did you sit in traffic??

  2. Getting there was not too bad, coming back we "crawled" for maybe 15 minutes, so not bad either. We just parked pretty far so that we could walk and enjoy and miss the traffic, which is what pretty much happened!
