The Mercado Family

Saturday, October 9, 2010

G-I-R-L-S Rock!

Everyone who knows us, knows that Victoria is quite the performer/diva. These are just some of the pictures that she requests I take of her almost every time she is singing and dancing, which we do just about every day. But, a lot of people don't know that Karissa is a budding performer/diva. Check out these pictures!
Such heart and soul in these songs she's singing!

It came as no surprise when Victoria wanted to have a Hannah Montana birthday party this year. Since I didn't really want to do a party based around Hannah Montana, we chose a theme from Oriental Trading that we found a great deal on: G-i-r-l-s Rock! We got 8 goodie bags already stuffed with these fun little dive-like treasures,
guitar confetti, hot pink and purple streamers and balloons, plates, cups, napkins, utensils for eight, and a purple table cloth for $50! It was a pretty good deal, especially considering the quality of the goodie bag toys (goodie bags are my biggest complaint when buying for a birthday party, so this just made it easier and less expensive).

Victoria was very excited for her theme. We made cardboard guitars for her and her friends to decorate at the party. Here she is, practicing her guitar.
We had the party on Friday evening so Jason could be there, instead of needing to be off at the library studying as he would have been if it were on a Saturday, though he did have to come home from work early.

We played freeze dance and musical chairs, all to the tunes of Hannah, of course.

Even Austin was playing musical chairs.

Decorated their guitars, with feathers, buttons, the guitar confetti, beads, stickers, and glittery puffy paint. It was a big hit!
Eating pizza outside on the unusually warm October day.
Singing "Happy Birthday". (She wasn't giving everyone a dirty look here, she must have been clearing her throat.)
Of course I had to make a guitar cake!
She is leading her friends in a song from school here while we wait for everyone to finish eating cake and come watch Victoria open her presents.
Here's the birthday girl with her new shirt and decorated guitar.


  1. What a FABULOUS party! I want to decorate a guitar- how fun!!! And that cake is UNREAL!!! Nice job, Mama! :)

  2. Very cute party and way cute cake! Too bad you don't live closer so I could hire you to make my kid's cakes! :)

  3. What a fun party idea, Val. Kudos on the cake - wow! Happy birthday Victoria!!!
