The Mercado Family

Monday, February 23, 2009


For 7 days I have cleaned up vomit. I have never seen so much in my life! (No, maybe I have coming from my own mouth.) Actually, between the two, I think Victoria and Karissa topped me with their vomiting, since it lasted so long throughout a week. Right now in MI there's this flu going around and everyone in our ward who was "hit" by it said it lasted about a week. I didn't really think they meant actual vomiting for a week; at least for us, that was the case. I can't imagine what it would have been like if we had more than two kids, or if Jason or I had gotten it. In fact, it is a pure miracle (and a blessing) that I have not! All I have to say is "P and P"-- Purell and prayer.

On Tuesday, after Karissa started losing her lunch, I had a premonition that things were going to get worse. Sure enough, on Thursday as I was contemplating whether or not to take Karissa to the ER and trying to get her to drink, she had a seizure and I actually called 911. It was very strange to have to call them. I've never had to before and hoped I never would. Since she did not have a fever and with my past history of epilepsy, the doctors performed a CT scan and an EEG, both of which came out normal. It turns out the seizure was due to the stress of the vomiting and dehydration on her body. I read an article about dehydration yesterday and, sure enough, one of the side effects was a seizure.

We made it home Friday night after almost two days at the hospital with Karissa on an IV and being monitored like crazy. Of course the second we stepped in, and it was literally that second, she vomited again. Then Victoria, who had not thrown-up since Friday morning, did on Saturday night. Now, after about 40 hours of no vomit, I think I can say that we are almost done with this blasted flu.

If you plan on coming to MI any time soon, please remember to bring a face mask and lots of Purell. Also, bring your own sheets, towels, and rugs-- I'm tired of washing mine!!

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