The Mercado Family

Sunday, June 14, 2009

"A" is for Angel, "B" is for Burp

I call Austin my "angel" baby because he is just so laid back. He sleeps a lot more than his sisters did and he already sleeps for a four hour stretch at night! He rarely has a very loud cry, mostly just regular-newborn-baby cries, not ear-piercing wails like his sisters did. Also unlike his sisters, he doesn't have a fussy time right before bed, not yet anyway. I love my drama queens, but it'll be nice to have a child who's more stable!

I don't know if it's the fact he is a boy and boys are just good at burping, or if Austin is just full of air, but he has the hugest burps I've ever heard coming from a newborn! They're so big they reverberate throughout the house! I love my little boy!

The girls got a new umbrella from the hospital gift shop with a gift card we received.


  1. He's so adorable! I'm glad he's a good baby for you.

  2. What a sweetie! And in these pics I think he looks like your girls did. :)

  3. Yeah, I agree. He looks a lot like Victoria in the first one.

  4. Congratulatons on your beautiful baby boy! He is adorable! We welcomed #3 in February, a boy too. How fun for us to have 2 girls and a boy!
