The Mercado Family

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

14 Years

I would never have guessed that June 2 could be a busier time for a birthday than a November or December birthday, but I have quickly learned that's the case. This year wins the award, though. 

Truthfully, his actual birthday was on a Friday and wasn't that busy, but prom was the day before and the dance recitals, Austin's piano recital, a soccer game and Erik's fun fair were the next day. Plus, I was planning for the grad party to be held two weeks later, so my mind was very preoccupied. Technically, we could have had Austin's birthday party, but we had decided to wait (we're still waiting till he decides to text his friends). I'm really glad we did because it turned out that Austin was pretty sick that week. 

There was no school Monday for Memorial Day. We had a great time at a family friend's house for a bbq and outdoor games. Tuesday he came home from school early with a fever, which meant he couldn't go to school Wednesday, and his fever was a high 103 that day which also meant no track meet. He still had a low-grade fever Thursday morning, but was starting to be on the mend. Friday was his birthday and he didn't feel 100% to go to school and I didn't want to push it, so he got to relax at home on his birthday, which is actually pretty nice. Jason even got them a pizza lunch, since he was working from home that day. We had planned to go see Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse that evening all together as a family, after eating a bbq hamburger dinner, served with rice, which Austin likes better than potatoes. It turned out that Victoria couldn't go to the movie, so one of Austin's best friends joined us. We brought candy and some popcorn and were ready to relax at the theater!
Birthday breakfast: his favorite egg-bagel sandwich and a doughnut!

As you see, he was feeling pretty good that day. He's officially obsessed with Star Wars, btw.

He not only loves video games, but he really loves the music in them and will play them on the piano. He's very talented in both playing the games and the music!

Star Wars Uno!

The gift he asked for: Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Nintendo Switch game!

He was pretty stoked about it!

Sibling gift. (Kai was trying to make a face, she wasn't actually mad here!)

$ from Grandma.

Happily playing his new game.

Dad's special-made dinner.

Well, 3 times during the movie, Austin came over to me telling me he had a bad earache. Luckily, I had some Aleve in my purse and gave him some, not knowing what else to do and not wanting to leave. He still came over twice more complaining about his ear, but we made it through and came home for ice cream cake. He went to bed with the heating pad and seemed to feel okay the next morning. I gave him more pain killer so he could go to his piano recital, but he rested most of the day, besides attending Victoria's recital. He made it to Monday when I could take him to the doctor because his ear still bothered him. Apparently, his ear looked so bad, the doctor said it must have hurt to turn his head.

Poor kid. Still made a silly face for his cake.
Now remember, I also had to take Kai to the doctor that day to get her cast off and I had to take Erik to the urgent care to look at the pinky that he jacked up at the fun fair. It was quite the day!

While Austin had an amazing swim season, his track season was okay. He started the first meet under the weather due to something he picked up at the 8th-grade field trip to Washington DC, of which he barely took any pictures for me, but he had a great time. He did pretty well in the 400 and 800 on his second meet, but the third meet he had to leave early for the orchestra concert and only ran the 800. The next meet he missed due to his fever and the next meet was the final one and he was still recovering, but ended up doing pretty well. He kept up with all the fastest kids for most of the 800, but the lack of training the final week showed during the last 1/4 of the lap. He got 2:36 on it and I think about 8th place. 
He's the 4th kid back here.
This is the last lap and he was kicking it in gear, but the first 3 were already out of the shot.
Home stretch!

That seems like just yesterday and now that we're into the full swing of summer, he's been training at the high school with the cross-country team and running daily with them. He's back into full health and even ran 5 miles for the first time with them! There was also a hs track camp he attended for 2 nights and a day he went to the gym with Victoria. He's getting super strong and eating a ton of food!

Kai's been attending the all-day marching band camp. Austin was torn between joining the marching band or cross country in high school. Ultimately, he decided to do cross country for long painful runs, but not all-day practices like marching band. Plus, two of his best friends are on the team and they even had a swim party already. He might try winter percussion, but his musical outlets in high school will be the piano and orchestra. 

The weekend after his sick birthday he got to go on yet another trip. This one was with the 8th-grade band. It wasn't as far, just Cleveland and a bit in Toledo, but he had the time of his life at a science museum, zoo, baseball game (which they were supposed to play at, but it fell through), they saw Spiderman: Across the Spideyverse, this time with no ear pain, and went to Dave and Buster's. They were only gone two days and do you think he took any pictures for me?? No!

I was just glad he was better and didn't get sick again on this trip. He had a great school year! Onto highschool!!

Here's a video of his piano recital with his plugged-up ear. 

And a song from his recent band concert.

And from the last orchestra concert.

My favorite orchestra players!

Bonus: Since Kai didn't get to play in the last concert, here's a recording of her at an orchestral event a couple of months ago. She's gotten so confident in her playing! There's only the 3 violas and she really carries them!

At the high school orchestra banquet.

1 comment:

  1. So sad that he was sick for his birthday. What an amazing year!! Super talented and busy kid!
