The Mercado Family

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Youth Conference

Victoria got to participate in her first Youth Conference last weekend. It was a special one this year in that the youth from the Stake went to Kirtland, OH. for a day trip. They do that trip every 4 years.

I volunteered to be a chaperone/driver. We had to leave at 6 am to make the 3 hour drive and be there by 9:30, leaving time to stop for breakfast. I had a full car of Mia Maids (girls aged 13-15), though all the girls in my car were 13 and 14 and the YW president from our ward came in my car because her car was empty. I was glad she could ride with us so I could have an adult to talk to, though I also enjoyed the conversation of the girls. Three of the girls in my car are new to our ward and it was so nice to see everyone hitting it off together. We're happy to have more girls Victoria's age in the ward! The other girl was visiting her cousins and was super friendly and fun. She's from Virginia. It turns out that she knows my Uncle Craig and when they looked for the "relatives around me" on the Family History App, they found out that they are 4th cousins! So, I need to talk to her aunt, who's in my ward, and see it for myself!
Jillian, Taylor, Payton, Victoria, Mallory- the girls in my car.

When we arrived in Kirtland, we got our T-shirts, water bottles, and snacks, then learned the agenda for the day. The Mia Maids and Teachers broke off into one group and the Laurels and Priests in the other. We went to the temple first and had a nice tour there. The Kirtland Temple is owned by The Community of Christ Church. The man giving the tour was funny and knew his facts. I appreciated it when one of the leaders reminded us of how Jesus Christ, Moses, Elias, and Elijah had visited Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in the temple and gave them the keys for family history work.
Some more girls from my ward, including the YW president, the second from the left, though it's hard to see anyone in this picture!

The Mia Maids and Teachers from our ward. We had to literally push them together for this picture!

 After the temple, we drove to a pavilion for lunch provided for by the Stake. We visited and played games. It was very hot and humid! The chocolate chip cookies were like as if they were straight from the over, hot and falling apart. They were very good, but messy!!

After lunch, we went on the tour of the town, which included a video presented to us by members of The Church pf Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We got to witness the struggles that the Saints began to go through, as well as their strength and commitment in building a temple in three years. The town includes the Newel K. Whitney Store and his home, as well as the saw mill and ashery. The Spirit was strong as we learned about the School of Prophets, above the Whitney store. It was like the first MTC and a very spiritual and hallowed place.

At the sawmill there were renditions of the pulpits from inside the temple. These are like the pulpits where Christ appeared above in the temple, except not white.

This chair is an original chair owned by Newel K. Whitney.
An original Bible from the time.

The Whitney Store

The School of the Prophets

After looking around the visitor's center, we left for the pavilion again for dinner. Our group got their a little early and we got to walk around and see the stone quarry, where they got stones to build the temple.
Stone in the river where they cut for the temple.

Our group finished dinner quickly and opted to get out of the heat and start driving back a little earlier instead of playing more games. We stopped for ice cream on the way, as promised, and the girls played many games on the way back.

On Sunday evening, about 24 hours after leaving Kirtland, there was a slide show and testimony meeting. We enjoyed the testimonies given from some of the youth about their feelings visiting Kirtland and the temple. There was more cookies, not melted, for everyone to enjoy after wards. I'd forgotten about how much food plays a big role in these youth activities. They love food!

I was so happy to be able to participate in this Youth Conference with Victoria. It had been about 5 years since our family has been there and I needed to be reminded of what sacred events occurred in Kirtland.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so happy! So cool that you live close enough to Kirtland for this to be a day trip. Yay for new youth moving in!
