The Mercado Family

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Independence Day

Our bishop gave a wonderful testimony on Sunday about our country and the meaning behind The Star Spangled Banner. It was a great way to start off the holiday. Speaking of bishop, on Sunday, Jason was sustained as the second counselor in the bishopric. Phew! We're in for some amazing, but busy times! If that's not enough, I was sustained the week before (we were out-of-town, but they had to do it that weekend because the others were gone this last Sunday) as the 2nd counselor in the Relief Society Presidency. We were asked two days before our vacation about my calling and the day before about Jason's calling. My call came from the bishop, who knew the very next day the stake presidency would be calling Jason to the bishopric. It was hard to really concentrate on whether or not to accept the calls with all the busyness of getting ready for vacation, but we really already knew our answers. We had both had thoughts about these callings previously, so they weren't really a surprise.

On the 4th of July we finally got to attend the Good Morning USA parade in downtown Plymouth. It's the first parade on Independence Day in the whole US (we're in the eastern time zone, remember). We haven't ever been to it because we're usually out-of-town on the 4th, but Jason's job schedule was different this year, so we were here! Karissa got to march in it with some of the Steelers football players and cheerleaders and we sat with some friends from the ward.

 After the parade, we went to Kent Lake in Kensington Metro Park. We had some pretty hot and humid weather, so the water felt great!! When we returned, we grilled, watched a movie and played games, and then walked outside to see all the fireworks in our neighborhood. People here can do whatever kind of fireworks they want, even the huge ones you pay money to see. It sounded like popcorn with all the constant "popping" of fireworks everywhere. We did our own sparklers and then just as we were about to go inside, our neighbor pulled out his huge fireworks and we enjoyed another small show. (Sorry, no fireworks pics...)

Our cats were a little afraid of all the noise.

Yes, we now have two cats. We have wanted to get a playmate for Luke for a while because he's so feisty. We thought it would keep him from jumping all over us and trying to dart outside every second he got. It is working! Now that he's getting used to cute little Leia, they are the best of friends. They cuddle, tackle, fight, and play with each other. They still like being around us too. It's been a fun experience for us all!

She's 4 months old!


  1. Sweet kitties! I love that you have a Leia to keep Luke company. You are both going to do fabulous jobs in your new callings!

  2. congrats on both of your callings! Perfect for both of you and the family! LOVE the kitties, it looks like their getting along
