The Mercado Family

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

First Day of Preschool- Finally

Today was Austin's first day of preschool. He was a trooper and got ready, including eating breakfast, quickly, so that we could drop the girls off and then go pick up Logan to head off to the first day of preschool at Churchill High. They start a few weeks later so that the high school students, who are the teachers, have a chance to prepare their lesson plans for the year. Jason and I received the orientation from the head teacher and are excited for the year. They will have two hours full of great learning and activities with almost a one-to-one ratio of teacher (high school student) to child. It's extremely affordable too, making me even more impressed with this program. Though we were sad to see PCN close, (the preschool where the girls went, including Karissa's bilingual class), we were happy to find this little jewel where Logan can go with Austin and I don't have to be there once a month, as was the case with the co-op at PCN.

Austin's super-excited smile!

Austin playing with Rory, who's in his class at church.

When one of the teachers told Austin Rory's name, he said, "I  know!"

1 comment:

  1. The high schools here all do a preschool program. I think the subject the school kids take is a childhood development or something like that. My kids haven't ever gone to them, but lots of kids from the wards do. I only hear good things about them - I'm sure Austin will have a great year!
