The Mercado Family

Monday, January 14, 2013

Karissa's 6th

Karissa celebrated her 6th birthday recently. When in Canada, she got a surprise chocolate cake made by my step-brother.

The day after we returned was her actual birthday. Jason had run to the grocery store when we got back to get the necessities, as well as some pizza and mini cupcakes for Karissa's birthday on that Sunday. I think the best gift to her was being home and playing with all her own toys, but she also enjoyed the stamps she got, a Hello Kitty hoodie, a princess lip gloss and jewelery set, boots, a look-and-find book, and a puppy purse.

For her party, she really wanted a PJ party. So her friends all wore their pjs. We did some dancing games at the beginning (I can't throw a party without dancing!) and a game of pictionary. Then is was off to the girl's room for stories. Victoria wanted to read, so it ended up only being one story, but the kids were so attentive! Next, they decorated pillow cases. For lunch we had pancakes, oranges, and milk, and of course birthday cake. After opening presents they curled up in blankets and watched Sleeping Beauty. It was a fun and very easy party and I got to host it in my pjs!

The funniest thing about Karissa's birthday celebrations is that each time we sang to her and she blew out the candles she blew them out the second we finished singing, not even waiting a second to make a wish or to even suck in her breath. The reason I find this so amusing is that she takes her time with most other things, like getting ready, though she has improved in that area. She's not longer painfully slow to get ready, just slow.

I have to say how proud I am of her. She went into all-day kindergarten from only two days of preschool that was only for 2 hours! She adjusted well and is learning so much! My opinion of all-day kinder has changed. I now think it is great! She went from barely being able to count past 30 one day, to counting to 100 the next day, it seems. And she'll ask anyone if they want to hear her count to 100. She can count by 2's to 100 now too. She's reading the "popcorn" words and sounding out many other words. Watching her run out the door to catch her ride is a hoot. She's still so little and her backpack goes way past her bum... it's so cute! She still loves to sing and dance and draw (which she's getting very good at). Her all-time favorite is still cuddling with whoever will cuddle with her. She has taken to helping me with Erik, something she's pretty good at. I can trust her to keep an eye on him if I leave the room sometimes more than Victoria.

Happy Birthday to my sweet 6-year-old !