The Mercado Family

Monday, April 16, 2012

It Has Begun!

Our family has grown in size and in needs, as families do at some point. The needs are quickly becoming very apparent.

-Karissa needs glasses. (check)

-Karissa has three cavities to be filled (check on two)

-Victoria needs to get referrals from orthodontists for work to be done on her teeth (working on it)

-Victoria needs sealants (check)

All of these appointments have happened since we've been back from France, many of them last week during Spring Break. Needless to say, we didn't do too many exciting things over the break besides play with friends and go roller skating, since we were going to so many appointments. So the work of many years to correct all the imperfections on my children has begun. I still think they're cute, though!

Victoria took this picture of herself, not a bad shot, eh? Her teeth look way better in this picture than in person! Many of you saw this cute pic on facebook. Victoria wanting to wear glasses has definitely helped Karissa with her necessity of wearing them. I think glasses look good on both of them. Victoria still wears hers every day. I'm interested to see how long that will last!
Erik's still perfect!

Austin is too, though he's tired of all these appointments!!


  1. Everyone is growing up! Start saving your money it only gets worse!!

  2. Love the last picture and the contrast of Austin's deep brown eyes and Erik's baby blues! So cute!

  3. I agree with the first two comments,,,and add, I love them just the way they are,,, cavities and glasses and all. You HAVE great kids, they love you and that is most important,,,la famille
