The Mercado Family

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Big Chill

We did some fun activities this weekend out in the cold. Friday night, I took the kids to see The Lights Before Christmas at the zoo. It's just a lot of lights at the zoo with Christmas music playing, but it really was amazing! Some animals were awake, but most were asleep, though we didn't plan on seeing any. The kids really enjoyed looking at the lights, as you can see from this first picture overlooking the main part of the zoo. Victoria skipped almost the whole time, singing to the songs. It was a winter wonderland! Here's a really big Christmas tree, as you can see, since Victoria is a pink speck below.
Austin was looking at the fountain and enjoying the fact that he had taken off his gloves and hat.

Victoria and Karissa were dancing to the music. The lights were synchronized with the music, it was very cool!
On Saturday, Jason and I went to the Big House again. This time to watch Michigan slaughter Michigan State in ice hockey (5-0). This was the first time the hockey players ever played in the Big House (the football stadium). They wanted to set the world record for most people attending a hockey game ever in the world-- and did they ever! The count was 113,411, about 500 more than were at the football game we attended two months ago! A representative from the Guinness Book of World Records came to present a plaque. People even came from Australia and China to be a part of this huge event, called The Big Chill! How they even knew about it way over there, I have no idea!


  1. How fun! The zoo looked empty! I am glad the hood is getting more use at your place than mine :)
