The Mercado Family

Sunday, August 29, 2010

First Hair Cut

Recently we gave Austin his first haircut. I noticed during our trip to Utah that he had some"wings" hanging over his ears. I never had to think about cutting his sisters' hair this young, for obvious reasons, so he seemed young, but I didn't want him looking "scruffy". So we let him look at the clippers, while turned on, which fascinated him. He kept fairly still, for a 14-month-old, while Jason shaved just the bottom. Of course it helped that Victoria fed him fruit snacks the whole time! All in all, it wasn't bad and I'm definitely glad we used the clipppers as I did not want to give him a bowl cut!


  1. Wow!!! I'm so impressed! I remember trying to cut Carter's hair when he was a baby. It was so hard to do! Austin looks very handsome with is "big boy" haircut!

  2. Good job for getting it done! Trying to cut Annalise's hair would be a joke-she won't even let me clip a fingernail. She is ridiculously feisty.

