The Mercado Family

Monday, July 26, 2010

All Because of a Taco Salad...

Two weeks ago, for my long Saturday run I ran 13 miles and I felt awful! My breathing was off, which led to a side ache for most of the run, and I was really tired. Three days later, when I ran my 7 miler my feet were hurting and I had a couple of pains in my tailbone. Wednesday night I actually iced my feet because they were hurting. Luckily, I had my two day break, and then only a 10 miler the next Saturday. By then I realized what my problem was, when I had no problems before that and I had run a 12 miler and a few 10 milers. The night before that awful run, I had a taco salad for dinner! Of course everyone knows that you're supposed to have a meal high in carbs the night before a big run, some sort of pasta is best. I just didn't really think about it that week. I had been feeling so good on my runs and didn't think 13 miles was very far, compared to 16,18, or 20 miles. We just happened to have our leftovers scheduled for that night and taco salad is what we had. It didn't help, either, that we were out of bananas, my preferred snack before a run for the past 10 years, so I had a plum instead. Needless to say, I have made sure to have a good pasta dinner every Friday night since. It definitely pays off. Last Saturday I ran 15 miles and felt great!! I even managed to pull around an 8.6 minute pace. The best part is that I felt good on my run today and am not dreading my 8 miler tomorrow.

Note to self: Do not eat a taco salad the night before a big run!!


  1. Glad you found the culprit . . . Taco salad sounds yummy, though!

  2. You are amazing! Good for you! I am very impressed. :)
