The Mercado Family

Friday, July 10, 2009

Potty and Pink

On Tuesday night Karissa decided she wanted to use the potty, so she took off her diaper and shorts and went! The next day she continued to be successful with the potty. I took advantage of the situation and put her in training panties and gave her a spice drop each time she went. She has yet to figure out #2, but at least she's figured out #1, making it much easier than it was with Victoria!
P.S. That was written two days ago, and today she's regressed, but at least she's starting the potty training process!

Victoria has been in a pink-only phase the past six weeks (since the baby was born). Everything from her dishes to her panties has to be pink, not even purple, just pink. Even the toys she plays with are only the pink ones. The pink ponies, pink dolls, pink pencils, pink jewelery. If you look back at her in the pictures in the blogs, she has pink on in every single one, except for the Father's Day one, when I made her wear her matching purple dress with Karissa. (Later that day, she changed her clothes and put on pink.)

In this picture, she decided to wear purple, for a change and told me that she was happy about it, but later she changed into pink after we found the pink Princess Aurora socks from the dollar store, shown in the following picture. (Karissa is wearing her panties in that picture.)


  1. Victoria is a girl after my own heart! I would wear only pink too, if I could!! :)

  2. I think of you when she only wants to wear pink!
