The Mercado Family

Sunday, March 9, 2025


 We are finally arriving at the point we've been waiting for the past 5 years. This Wednesday, Jason and I will be traveling to Chile. This Wednesday is also my birthday and though I know the whole world remembers March 13, 2020, I also remember very clearly the few days leading up to it. My roommate from college, Sarah, her birthday is the 10th. I remember talking to her on the phone that day. She lives in Atlanta, and they had started noticing COVID cases in her area around that time. As far as I know, we didn't have many cases in my area. Fast forward just 2 days to my birthday, and suddenly, my birthday was the second thing on people's minds when they spoke with me. Just a few days later, Jason and I were supposed to go to Chile. My mom still chanced it and took her flight out here to help with the kids. It was an empty flight for her, but we decided not to go to Chile, and I woke up each morning for about a month to stare at my packed bag. Jason had bought some special items for the long flight out there and new bags to put them in. I finally got around to using some of the items on other vacations, but I found my extra face cleaner headband yesterday when I was repacking my new toiletry bag that I haven't used yet. 

Call me pessimistic, but I low-key have been waiting for something to happen that will ruin the trip again for us. I don't know why. Probably because 5 years ago opened up a life that I had never expected. 

Off of that subject and on to something else that's sad and relates to 5 years ago. Mr. George, Victoria's dance teacher of 9 years and competition coach who helped lead her to the Dancer of the Year Award at Nationals, was diagnosed with cancer during the lockdown. He passed away at the end of January. I attended his Celebration of Life last weekend, which was 2 days before he would be 50. He had been declining the past couple of years but still played a huge role in Dancin' Feet up until this past Christmas. We were blessed to have had him in our lives. As they said at his Celebration of Life, "Sashay in Peace, George!"

While I have some doubts, I'm mostly certain that we will be in Chile next weekend. Chile, here we come!

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