The Mercado Family

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Bringing on Summer

 Though we've only been out of school for just over a week, we've been anticipating the end of the school year for a few weeks with all of the end-of-year activities. Now that Austin is finally feeling better, and Jason too, I feel like I can go back to appreciate some of those celebrations. 

My mom was here for Austin's final track meet, piano recital, Erik's band concert, and Canton Cup, which I already posted about. Kade and Jason attended the orchestra banquet, which I typically attend but chilled with my mom instead. Jason and I got to attend Austin's track ice cream social together. And we all enjoyed the start of the backpacking training for the Young Men's trip at the end of July.

Orchestra banquet

Track ice cream social 

Austin's coach was so proud of his accomplishments!

I had to swing on some vines with the kids on our hike and I didn't have a backpack to carry!

We went to an air show and Kade got to go on a senior beach trip with CJ. We attended many grad parties, as I mentioned before.

Lake Michigan

CJ's grad party (Kade's bestie)
Susie's grad party (Vicky's bestie, but I got to represent Victoria who couldn't be there)

Kade and I got nailed going into his dermatologist appointment by a crazy downpour. We were parked in the first space, closest to the door and we were drenched in the 2 seconds it took to get under the overhang!

Most of us made it to the last day of school, well, Austin did, but barely, so I didn't take any last-day of school pics of him.

Some of my amazing co-workers!

Here we are, well into summer now. We made it through the school year- phew!


  1. Making it through that last sprint of school is such a relief! Loved seeing you swing on the vine - how fun!
