The Mercado Family

Monday, April 15, 2013


This year we decided to start giving Victoria and Karissa an allowance. So far it has taught them the value of money pretty well. Victoria has bought a few things with her money and is learning about saving for things that she really wants. Karissa is learning too, but she's content with what she currently has.

For a few months now, Victoria has really wanted another "American Girl Doll". A couple of her other friends have two or more, so she wants more as well. Of course, her first "American Girl Doll" is actually an Our Generation Doll from Target. She knows it is, but she calls it by the other name anyhow. I told her to save her money and she can buy one.

The other day I was at Target and I noticed that the Our Generation Dolls were on sale for $18.99. So, Saturday, when the girls were upset that they couldn't go to the spring game at the U of M with Jason because it was snowing and way to cold to go to a free game, I told them I'd pay them their allowance early and we could go buy new dolls. Even though Karissa didn't voice that she wanted another doll, she was on board! They counted their money, brought their purses to Target, picked out their dolls, and paid the cashier, with a little help from me. We were so excited, though, that we forgot to pay tithing on it (oops!) So that will have to come out of next month's allowance!

Karissa with Ayla

Victoria with Charlotte


  1. Somehow we have missed the "American Girl" craze. Anna checked a few of the books out of the library once, but she didn't get into them enough to want more. After seeing the cost of the dolls and accessories, I'm glad my girls haven't wanted them! But the Target ones sound just right.

  2. Charlotte and Ayla,,,wow they sound exotic...what are the doing to earn the money? I can have them earn money when they come this summer!!
