The Mercado Family

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Busy Body

Erik is 11 months now and is a very busy body indeed! Besides throwing out every pot and pan, snack bag and Tupperware containers, he also storms through the dvds and anything else that is inside a cupboard. We've done well distracting him from the toilet or keeping the doors closed. He somehow manages to eat some cat food every few days, despite our efforts the keep that away from him. On the subject of eating: he's doing better still. He currently loves the veggies straws from Costco, he also liked the time I gave him some sips of my fruit smoothie from Costco and wouldn't let go of the cup! He really likes pumpkin bars or pumpkin bread. I broke my tradition and started him on whole milk the other day. He isn't into it yet, which is why I thought I would just start a month early. I figured he wouldn't actual consume much for a while yet anyhow.

He said his first word last week. Grandma was reading a Halloween book and there was the word "boo" many times and everyone was repeating it. We could see him forming his lips to match ours, then he let out a big "boo!" It was so cute and he loved our reaction, so he did it again! He also gets a big reaction out of us when he lifts both of his hands in the air, or one hand. We all end up doing it and saying "So big!"

He is definitely rougher than Austin was at this time. He likes to bite my shoulder (I have the bruises to prove it) and is not phased when I yell out "ouch!" He also likes to crawl up to any kid and use him/her as a prop to help himself stand up. Some of the kids are pretty small and he'll almost knock them down! He likes to tackle his 18 month-old friend Noah at church. He crawls on him and tries to grab his face before I get to him. He'll do it a few more times before we have to leave the room!

Lastly, he loves to walk with Grandma. She'll hold his hands and he'll walk all around. I saw Daddy do it with him at church too, but he doesn't walk for me. He just like to be held so he can bite my shoulder!

I love my little monster!

 My attempt to get a leaf picture with all my kiddos.

 He's getting ready to go down the slide, which he loves to do!

He loves to touch the eyes of the baby dolls.

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