The Mercado Family

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Day We Were All Waiting For

It has happened- Jason graduated from the University of Michigan with his MBA! His parents came out to attend the ceremonies and help celebrate this momentous occasion. The festivities began on Thursday with a reception at the business school building which was put on for the night school students and their families. Since we had decided not to take the kids to the actual graduation, knowing they would be bored out of their minds, we all went and enjoyed some hors 'devours and treats. Jason even got a nice U of M pen out of it! The next evening we left the kids with a babysitter, pizza, and popcorn, and went down to Ann Arbor for the business school graduation where Jason actually got his diploma (we were way to high up to get a good shot of that).

On Saturday we left the kids with another babysitter, very early in the morning, and went out to the Big House for the graduation of the whole class of 2011. Despite the endless sitting on football bleachers, it was actually a very good program, one of the most interesting graduations I've ever been too.

When we returned we took the kids out to Ichiban Steak House (thanks Abuelo!) where we were entertained by our hibachi chef as well as enjoyed his yummy food. Austin especially enjoyed the miso soup and fried rice, Victoria her big pile of shrimp, and Karissa flirting with the chef.
Here's the cake we made for Jason and shared with our next-door neighbors who happen to be big U of M fans too.

Congratulations Jason and GO BLUE!


  1. Congrats Jason! We're so happy for the whole family!

    What's this? Do I spy SHORT SLEEVES? We have snow today in ABQ. How backwards is that?!?

  2. Hip hip horray for Jason!! CONGRATS! We are cheering for you from our neck of the woods!
