First if all, I can't believe that Autsin is 6 months! Where did the time go? I took him for his well baby check-up this week and he is 17 1/2 lbs-again, unbelievable! The doctor said he is in the 50th percentile for weight, which seems unbelievable also, but it does make sense. He does have chubby cheeks and is very long (75th percentile this time, so he slowed down in length), which makes him seem gigantic, but I've seen the babies who are in the 50th and up, and they definitely have more chunk than he does. I think all the babies we've been comparing him to are teeny-tiny and/or girls. Actually, the doctor was very impressed with the way his growth chart has been going up in perfect increments. She said she thinks he's perfect, and so do I!
Check out his lil' tuft of hair!
The giraffe is enjoying a snack.
With his sisters, looking cute!
Sticking out his toungue, a favorite new thing to do.
If only he could share some of that cute hair with Annalise!