The Mercado Family

Sunday, March 2, 2025


 Religious Diversity Journeys, or RDJ, is a 7th grade program where 5 students are chosen from each of the 5 middle schools to learn about a few places of worship in the Metro Detroit area. Erik was nominated by his social studies teacher, and I was so excited for him! 

The first visit was supposed to be to a Hindu temple, but was cancelled due to a snow day. I guess they can't reschedule it, darn! The second one was last week, so it ended up being the first trip they got to go on. The buses took them to East Middle School, where they continued on to a Jewish Synagogue. They learned, asked questions, and witnessed a Jewish "wedding". The Rabbi chose two random students to wed, though he advised them not to repeat the vows so they wouldn't actually be married! Erik thought it was hilarious! They got to eat bagels and cream cheese and a sweet traditional Jewish bread. 

He said the thing he learned that he most enjoyed was the blowing of a horn to wake them for holidays. He took note that their Sabbath starts at sundown on Saturdays, and he told me he saw a lot of similarities between the Jewish faith and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 

Their last journey will be to a Christian denomination sometime this month. 

I am so happy that my extremely culturally aware son was selected to be a part of this program and that the program exists! 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Frozen Over

 It's been a while since we had a good winter here. We had one snowstorm last year and not many the previous few years.  I know it's weird, but I definitely missed the good snow. My kids did too.

As I said in my previous post, we had a snow day the day before our midwinter break,  so we had 5 days off, including the weekend. Church was canceled for the morning wards because another snowstorm came through Sunday morning.

I took Austin and Erik sledding with friends on Thursday. Erik and I went again with different friends on Friday and Austin and Erik went on Saturday with friends.  That time I didn't go and the other two days I went snowshoeing because I'm not interested in sledding anymore.  I enjoyed my 2 days snowshoeing and was happy they could sled again on Saturday.  Sunday, they built a snow fort with Kade. It's been a really long time since they could do that and they were so happy about it. Austin and Erik were very young the last time my kids did it. This time I didn't have to help them and they could use the ice scraper to help. Double bonus!

Monday I took them skiing/snowboarding.  Jason had to work, but we just went an hour away.  I opted to snowshoe again at a nearby state park. It was President's Day, so prices were higher and Kade wanted to take a snowboard lesson. I really enjoyed my snow hike and then reading/watching stuff in the lodge while they went down the slopes.  It was probably good I didn't go up on the mountain that day because they said it felt colder than the last time when I got brain freezes! Erik's cheeks were very red despite his whole face being covered.  My cheeks were red too, but I was working harder than I would have been on the slopes,  so I was warm. And then I was done and in the lodge!

When we finally made it back to school the weather was still too cold to go out according to school policy for temps. Finally, on Friday, we could play outside at Red Bell. My students really enjoyed the little sled hill we have. I really enjoyed not having another indoor recess!

Day 1 of sledding. That big blob of kids is Erik, Austin, and their friends!

It was a successful run down!

We still ended up at the frozen lake, now that we know about it!

The snow fort!

My teens fit nicely in it!

On my snowshoeing adventure!

Warming up after skiing!

The cats were very invested in this bunny!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Valentine's Day

 The kids had no school this past Valentine's Day, which meant I didn't have to go to work. It's mid-winter break, so there's no school Monday either. We also had an additional day of no school on Thursday because of a snowstorm, so it's a five-day weekend!

Since Jason and I are preparing for a big trip to Chile in March, we had a very low-key, casual celebration. And since it has been a very snowy weekend, plus lots of friends have been over, Valentine's Day itself was just a side to all the excitement. 

I gave candy gifts to my kids, made heart brownies, and a shrimp pasta dish (heart-shaped pasta for Erik). Jason and I exchanged cards and I gave him some chocolates. He gifted me with my favorite chocolate-covered strawberries and flowers. We sent a card to Victoria and gave her other various necessary items. 

Jason and I used a gift card to go out to eat and enjoyed that. I was glad he was here to celebrate with me. He was going to be in Idaho to watch Victoria's dance performance which was on the 12th and 13th, but the plane tickets were pretty steep and we're in the midst of financing our trip to Chile. So, we opted for him to stay here instead. 

Grandma Pat and Grandpa Jim drove up to see her dance and brought her a little Valentine. 

We have spent a lot of time in the snow the past couple of days, and we'll get more tomorrow when we hit the slopes again to make up for when Austin and Kade missed it last time, but we're always happy to set aside some time to celebrate Valentine's Day!

My Valentine!

Kade made cake pops- the best he's ever made!

After Victoria's performance!

She had a fun Valentine's date too!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Red Bell Preschool

This is where I work. For me, it is the best job ever! I only work 4 1/2 hours a day, I get weekends, summers, and days off when my kids have off. I have minimal prep and the classes I have to take online to keep me current and up-to-date as a certified preschool teacher are easy and paid for by my employer. They train me to renew my CPR and First Aid certificate each year, so I'm always current, which makes me feel good knowing I could help someone in an emergency.

I have worked here for 8 years now and I am not tired of it. I love going in each morning to the smiling faces of children who love me as their teacher. I get excited to teach them new concepts and skills. Best of all, I love that I can put behind me all my worries over my personal life (life's full of worries when you have kids, especially teens!). It really is helpful to know that part of my job is putting on a good face for these kids and showing them love, no matter what else may be occurring outside of Red Bell. 

This year I have had some bigger "challenges" at school. Such as at the beginning of the year when we had to handle the situation with a student telling his friends about the gun at his house. That was a little disconcerting. His parents chose to remove him from our school after all the conversations with Red Bell's owner and the police. Also, this year I have had to be more proactive in setting boundaries over the kids' conversations about bodily functions and body parts that aren't appropriate for 4-year-olds to be discussing so many times! It had been getting out of hand, so I've had to tell them that they can save those conversations for their homes. Some of them get out of control with laughter about it. My mom side thinks it's kind of funny and wants to just roll my eyes and move on, but my teacher side knows that if they can't learn about things that are appropriate to say and not to say now, then they might have a problem with it later. 

Then there's the issue of showing body parts. Yes, one kid mooned his friends in the reading loft. I had to call his parents and send notes home to the parents of the kids who witnessed it. The same kid showed his front side to a friend under the table at lunch. We took a bit stronger action on this one. I have met with his parents in person now, and things are looking up. 

The thing is for me, these kids who act up like this are no more or less my favorites. I love them all and know I need to word things differently or change things up to help with the kids who are acting up.

The biggest blow this year was that my assistant, who I have had since the fall of 2020, has left. She took off for the month of November to help her elderly family members in Canada. My bosses don't usually do that, but she assured them that she was coming back. She did come back for December and January, but then she wanted to put her 2 weeks' notice in at the end of January. She told me that she was having a hard time putting on a good face for the students and then being overwhelmed with her life when she was off work. I get it, but I was sad to see her go. However, the main boss wasn't happy with that because she had promised to return, which she did, but the end of the school year would have been better. At any rate, he told her she would have one more day and not two weeks. So it was kind of abrupt. 

On Monday, my new assistant, who happens to be my good friend Karyn Kish and was the sub who was in my class in November, jumped right in. I was a little nervous about the flow of things just because Adriana and I had worked for so long together and she has her Early Childhood Associates Degree. I was also nervous because I was supposed to go to Jury Duty on Tuesday, after only one day of having Karyn there. The last stressor was that it was the first week of Parent/ Teacher conferences and I had some things to gather for that. Needless to say, it was the most stressed I have ever been with this job!

By some miracle, I didn't have to go in for Jury Duty, which was even more of a miracle because we had a couple of sick teachers at the beginning of the week and we now have no subs. When I found out I didn't have to go to Jury Duty on Tuesday, it took a major load off me!

The rest of the week went very smoothly. Karyn learned a lot in 5 days. When she subbed in November, I didn't teach her all the ropes, but she knows them now! She was even able to manage the class during choice time while I slipped out for some Parent/Teacher conferences. 

While I definitely miss Adriana, I'm happy my friend Karyn can work with me now. And I still love my job!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Good Timing

 I'm pretty sure Austin and Kade are recovering from the flu. Austin woke last Saturday to a fever. It got up to almost 103.7 that day. He looked awful. It was the day after we spent time on that frozen pond. I couldn't believe how fast it came! I quickly realized throughout the day that he would not be going on our ski trip, in two days, on MLK Jr day. The next day, Sunday, we decided we had to make a plan. Since Caberfae ski resort is 3 hours away, we had decided to stay at a hotel there for the night so we didn't have to drive 3 hours at the crack of dawn like I did 2 years ago when I took Austin and Erik. That was the year Austin broke his arm on the second run down and I had to turn around and take him to the ER. This time, Austin wasn't going to make the trip at all. What's up with Caberfae and Austin?? Anyhow, since we had planned for all of us to go this time, I decided that Jason should still take Kade and Erik and I would stay back with Austin and then take him to a local ski resort over the break for President's Day. Jason will have work that day, but I will not and there will be no school for the kids. Plus, since the trip to Caberfae was with friends from church, Jason would have others to ski with. I'm more likely to stay with Austin and follow him on more challenging runs. 

Things started to shift as the departure time drew closer. Kade said he wasn't feeling well and wanted to wait for the next trip when I was to take Austin. So Erik and Jason started packing up and I got their food ready. As I was prepping the food and noticing that Austin's fever was low-grade by that point, I began to think that maybe I should go and take advantage of the group rate we would be getting ($40 for a lift ticket and rental) and leave Austin and Kade to care for each other. Kade never had a fever, otherwise I probably wouldn't have left. If Austin's fever was still high I wouldn't have left either. That's the part that made me nervous. 

At the last second, I decided that I would just go. I knew I would be bored out of my mind with my 2 sick kids who would probably be sleeping most of the day, or watching movies. I really wanted to ski again, and I hadn't gotten to experience much of Caberfae last time. I figured if I didn't want to go over the next break, Kade and Austin could go alone. 

I was excited to spend some time with Jason and only Erik. It was almost like a date! Erik felt pretty special too. The biggest worry I had was the weather. That big arctic blast was due to come in just in time for the day. 

We awoke to a real feel of -18, the temperature was -2 degrees. The sun was shining, so that was a plus. It wasn't supposed to get much warmer the entire day. Luckily, we had gone skiing 3 weeks earlier and I knew that I felt pretty good then, with temps in the high 20s/ low 30s. So I brought a few extra layers and made sure I layered everything in the right order with no cotton on my body! Just wool and polyester. I had my fleece sweater under my jacket as my extra barrier against the wind. I even put the hand and foot warmers in at the right time (which was before getting out of the car!) I usually can't stand the ski goggles, especially with my face covered with a buff, but Jason got me athletic sunglasses that work for skiing and they were much more comfortable, especially since I had to cover my face. 

I can now say that my body was at a very good temperature- not too cold, but my fingertips and toes took turns on the verge of frostbite, even with 2 layers of wool socks on and those warmers. When going up a lift, I could feel it in my toes and I could sit on my hands and keep my fingers warmer. When skiing down and holding the poles, my toes were working, but my fingers weren't as much. We decided my gloves aren't as good as Jason's. That will be our next purchase. The other thing that got cold was my brain. Yes, my brain. Every time I went down a run and the wind picked up at a certain area (always the same area on the same run and then at other times on different runs) I suddenly got a headache. It would last just for that brief time, then go away. Jason said it sounded like a brain freeze, and I think that's what it was. I literally got a brain freeze from those freezing temps! 

It was so much fun, though! Erik had a lot of friends there and was off with them. I got tired of the easy slope and went off on my own a bit, so that meant Jason was on his own a bit because some of those young kids were more daring, but we did get to ride the lift together a bunch and we skied down together a few times. Erik took me to the harder slopes after our last warm-up break so I could try them before we left. I really didn't want to venture over there by myself and there weren't any other moms there from our group without young kids. That really made the time go fast and made me forget my frozen fingers and toes because I was focused on getting down the slope. It was then that we discovered that school would be canceled for the next 2 days due to the extreme cold! 

When we returned, Austin and Kade were still surviving and had slept a lot, as I imagined. Kade slept 14 hours that Sunday night! They were pretty happy about school being canceled, especially because they were still sick. With real feels the next two mornings of -20 and -23, plus regular temps being -2 both mornings, it was a good call and the best timing ever to have sick kids. The new semester hadn't even started and they were sick, but didn't have to go to school or even make up any work! I was so happy I went skiing so I could get out of the house on Monday, but really enjoyed relaxing the next 2 days with no worries about school! 

Everyone is finally getting their energy back, now that it has been a week. 

I have hardly any pics to show because there was no way I was taking my hand out to take pics any more than I did!

This was the temp just before we started skiing. 

Spencer and Erik

Erik finishing up a run. 

The temperature on Tuesday that school was canceled for.

Our cats have decided that laying on the heating vents is the best way to stay warm. Leia is covering the entire thing!

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Snow Fun

 After not having much snow last year, I mean like hardly any all season, I'd say our winter snowfall this year has been pretty ideal. Not too much has fallen at one time, just enough to keep the ground covered and the roads decent the past week. We patiently waited until our half day at the end of the semester on Friday to go sledding. I wanted to make sure Austin got his study time in and planned to take him and some of his friends, as well as Erik and some of his friends sledding. It turned out that Kade was planning on going with his friends after we returned so he could use the sleds.

The whole week I wasn't able to take my students outside because, with the real feel, it felt below 15 degrees, which is the cut-off. On Friday, we were finally able to go out for recess and the sun was shining! It was going to be a perfect day for sledding! 

Well, the temperature got above 32, and somehow, by the time we got all the kids picked up and into the cars (Kade had to drive Erik and his friends because we had so many kids going!), when we got to the sledding hill, there was hardly any snow on it. The sun was shining bright and I'm sure the kids who got there earlier helped wear down the snow. Everything else was covered, just not the hill. They made some pretty good runs down on the patchy areas, none of which I took pictures of before they found the frozen pond and we played there the longest. I really wish I owned iced skates! We did check to make sure it was frozen enough, and it was more than 6 inches thick through most of it, just not the edges. Of course, Austin decided at the end to get some of the big ice chunks from an edge and break them. Otherwise, everyone stayed out of mischief and remained unharmed. I tried not to be in the way, so I only took a picture of Austin when he asked me to with his ice chunk. I was the mode of transportation and supervisor of safety issues. Erik had fewer friends with him and I somehow trusted him more to not do anything too stupid, so I didn't see him as much as he and his friends were wandering around finding adventures in the snow. Needless to say, I didn't get any pictures of him. However, the day before when it was way too cold, he was at a friend's house who took a picture of those boys in the snow in her yard.

Now we have to brace ourselves for the extreme cold coming our way!

Erik and his buddies on Thursday.

Austin throwing ice on Friday.

You can hardly even see the pond here because of all the snow on top. Who would have thought the snow on the sledding hill would have melted??

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Some Accomplishments

 Not many accomplishments occur during the winter months, at least in our family, but we had a couple of accomplishments. 

The first one was getting a treadmill down into our basement, before Christmas, and up and running just recently. Our friends had given it to us and we had Victoria help us move it out of their basement at the very end of the summer before she went back to school. She's a strong girl! That thing was so big and awkward though, it took way too long and about did us in! We got it to the garage and left it there. First, we had to decide where we were going to put it. Our house isn't very big, though we do have a decent-sized basement. The problem with the basement is that the ceilings are extremely low. It works just fine for our not-very-tall family, however, when we sat back and thought about Austin running on a treadmill, we realized it would be difficult for him in a year or two when he gets a little taller. His head would be hitting the ceiling! The treadmill is mostly for him to do some runs when the weather is bad. I'm not a fan of treadmills, though I have gotten used to using them a tad from stays at hotels. Now that my kids sleep in more, I've been utilizing the treadmills in the hotel fitness centers.

After lots of measuring and a few months of thinking and deciding, we finally went with putting the treadmill in the laundry room, where my bike on the trainer was. The ceiling is slightly higher there, plus it hasn't been redone yet and is completely disgusting, so when Austin gets too tall for the treadmill, we can just take out the ceiling and he can run with his head in a space in the rafters. Seriously. I think it will work. If not, Erik can use it until he's too tall. I have run on it twice now and Jason's been walking on it, so I think it turned out!

We can fold it up like this if we want more space to do laundry.

Though it's not too crowded if we keep it down.

Here's the ceiling. You can see the hole to the right that is already there and we haven't done anything to it. We'll probably just take it all out when we need to.

I plan on printing up a poster of a road scene to hang on the lower part here and we can look at it instead of all my old photo albums!

Here's my bike now, right next to the weights. It's nice to have it out in the main area of the basement for a change. I do ride it a lot during the winter.

The other accomplishment is that Erik was sustained as a Teacher today and Austin as a Priest. Since Austin was ordained first, he was able to join the group as Erik was sustained. It was a sweet and spiritual moment! 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

18th Birthday!

 Another milestone birthday- Kade is 18! For a little while now, at all his appointments, all the doctors and specialists have been reminding me that Kade will be in charge of his appointments and healthcare business. It feels kind of abrupt to me. I still hope to be involved in his healthcare, but at least I don't have to go to all the appointments or make them. He is in charge of his schedule now!

Since Kade isn't in color guard this year, he's been able to focus more on orchestra and his viola as well as have some time for playing around on his guitar and electric bass. He has a few art classes in school and really loves his honors zoology class. He enjoys spending time with friends. 

On his birthday, I made a full breakfast, per his request, of waffles, bacon, hash browns, and orange juice. It was the first and only time he was up by 9 over the break, except Christmas. That's when he wanted breakfast, but it was a backward day because his siblings were still in bed, even though Austin and sometimes Erik or Victoria are usually up by then.

Cool whip on the waffle!

He opened presents after breakfast, got to have leftover PR food for lunch, and 3 of his best friends over by 2:00 to hang out and watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Another friend joined them for dinner at Applebes's before they came back here to play some games and have cake with everyone. It was the quietest birthday "party" we've had here in a while! The family went to dinner with him for his birthday celebration a few days before so he could enjoy his friends at Applebee's. He told us we could join them there and sit at another table nearby, but I didn't want to go out twice (dinner out is so expensive with teens now!), nor not sit at the same table as him!! 

It's all wrapped up in foam here, but this is his skateboard rail. 

TMNT comic book.


Skateboard ramp

Erik got him a Splinter Funko Pop.

Kade opened Isa's gift earlier because she didn't wrap the TMNT cars.

Friend dinner!

Red velvet cake!

Friend gifts!

When we went out to celebrate as a family we went to The Burger Spot and had such a great time laughing together, eating good food, and playing games together when we returned home. 

Jason and I got our own table!

Happy 18th Birthday Kade!!