Things in Michigan started to open up on June 1. So, by the next day, we weren't prepared to go to all sorts of places to celebrate Austin's birthday, though he still says that it was one of the best birthdays ever. I think it's because he had gotten so many nice cards and gifts in the mail from family and friends (thank you!) and his Primary teachers brought by a huge gift bag full of water guns, water balloons, a slip and slide, and three boxes of popsicles. So thoughtful! (He said the slip and slide is the best gift ever!)
Ice Breakers |
Minecraft Legos! |
Ready for the meeting at his desk. |
Victoria bought him this new outfit that he opened with the ice breakers in the morning. She wants him to be well dressed for middle school! |
I made him his favorite breakfast (besides Honey Nut Cheerios), poached eggs with bacon. I allowed him to skip his schoolwork that day, as well as his book club, so he could put together his Minecraft Lego set he opened up that morning. His class had a meeting on Webex at 10, so he did get on there and received many birthday wishes from his classmates. I picked up some Wendy's for everyone, his request for lunch so he could have a Son of a Baconator, on my way back from the "wave goodbye" at Red Bell with my preschoolers (so hard!).
Austin did have his last piano lesson that I required him to do, virtually of course, but that was after we got to swim in our neighbor's pool for a bit, so he was ready to be in the house out of the very hot and humid day, but yet still very cold water. His best friend Kaleb, who lives just down the street, invited him to play Minecraft with him that afternoon, so Austin rollerbladed over there. He's been going there a lot in the past two weeks that we've been able to be in groups of ten, outside. He and Erik have needed that break from each other!
While Austin was at Kaleb's and Karissa was finishing Austin's gift. |
It took Karissa many hours over many days to make this Minecraft scene for Austin with clay, boxes, and felt.
She made this card too. |
When he came home, his requested dinner of lasagna with salad was ready, though he didn't eat much of it due to the soda he drank at Kaleb's. He may be 11, but he's definitely not eating like a preteen yet!
He opened more gifts and we had the cake that Karissa made, then we watched part of
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, which he requested and actually watched it with us. Usually, when we watch a movie together, he just plays Minecraft on his tablet while looking up every once in a while.
He loves to read and will read a book so fast that he will have to read comics until he gets another book. |
Erik gave him this car. |
He loves this from cousin Peter! |
He really wanted this backpack with everything he thinks he will need for vacations or school. He, and my other kids, are talking about the new school year already! |
We used all of his "water war" supplies from his Primary teachers the next day since we didn't end up having time on his birthday to use it.
I was glad he could have a special day. We've been getting tired of this social distancing thing. All my kids have been keeping to their school schedule that we structured for the morning, but after that, they have been reverting to their favorite things, that I allow them to do, for most of the rest of the day. Austin reads on his Chrome Book, mostly
Big Nate for hours on end, then will rollerblade in the cul-de-sac, or when he was able, to Kaleb's. As soon as I say the word, he will be playing Minecraft, either at Kaleb's or our house. He does keep up on his piano, though, but that's it. Karissa reverts to art in her room, a lot of it was making Austin's birthday gift. She gets her physical activity from doing tons of handstands or jumping on the trampoline. Erik and Victoria are around the main area more, Erik playing with random toys and Victoria doing more of a variety than anyone else, to keep herself sane.
I've decided that Austin really likes to be comfortable. He loves warm cozy socks, to wear his pjs whenever he can, and rollerblading better than biking because it doesn't hurt his butt like the bike seat does! He's going to be in the advanced math class in middle school next school year and will be starting to play the cello in the orchestra. He's a kind and friendly boy who is loved by everyone!
Happy Birthday Austin!