The Mercado Family

Thursday, August 8, 2024

The "Off" Week

Last week Jason took Austin and Erik on the ward YM backpacking trip up in Grand Island in Lake Superior. Jason was in charge of planning most of it, especially the food, so he worked hard to prepare and was excited to finally make it happen. A couple of weeks before they left, the location changed because of an issue with the dock with North Manitou Island where they were supposed to go in Lake Michigan. They went a lot further north so they were worried somewhat about it being too cold at night, but I don't think that was a problem. They hiked 2 1/2 miles the first evening to their camp, the next day they hiked 6 miles to their main camp, and on the 3rd day, they hiked 16 miles from that camp around the island. Jason's pack was 33 pounds and Austin's and Erik's were both 22 pounds, but on the third day's hike, they just hiked with day packs. Each day they got to swim in the lake, eat their "delicious" dehydrated backpacking meals, and they had devotionals at night. It sounds like day 2 was the most exciting of all. On their way back from the lake a group had seen a bear going toward the camp. Depending on who we talked to, the experience was different, but the bear circled around the camp and kept going back because there was a granola bar wrapper on the ground. Many of the guys banged on things and made lots of noise to try to scare the bear off. Apparently, he reminded them of a dog. The climax of the event occurred when all of them were back at the camp and the bear was still trying to get into the camp. Jason had grabbed the bear spray that he brought, which was a last-minute item for him. He had asked me where it was and I really didn't know, I didn't even remember what it looked like. He had carried it a few years ago when we were in Yellowstone. So he was prepared for this bear, mostly so it wouldn't hurt anyone or get addicted to human food and keep causing problems and have to be put down. Like the camp "sheriff" he got in front of everyone and put one hand out while the other was on the bear spray, ready to "shoot" while yelling, "Bear, no! No bear!" Then he pulled out the spray and sprayed a mist at the bear, which didn't even get to the bear but scared the bear away. They didn't see the bear the rest of the time. Apparently, it's one of two bears on the island. The rangers are trying to relocate them to the mainland so they have more resources available. We're glad they made it back safely, even if they were extra scruffy. Erik actually told Jason, "Dad, I smell bad. I need a shower!" I never thought I would hear him say that!

Just before they left!

Mosquito netting came in handy, though they also sprayed their clothes beforehand and it seems the mosquitos weren't as bad as they thought. 

Some slept in tents, but some, like Austin, slept in hammocks. 

Lake Superior

Bath time!

His name is Care Bear.

Meanwhile, I had an "off" week from parenting. I mean, Kade was home and then my mom flew in a few hours after the guys left for their backpacking trip, but there wasn't much parenting to do, just fun! 

We went to Earthlore in Downtown Plymouth to look at all the cool stones, candles, and zodiac-related trinkets. It's Kade's favorite store. Then we went thrifting in Ann Arbor. We went swimming at the Kish's pool, to the movies to see Twisters, and watched many Olympic events. We went to the skate park, and thrifting in Ypsilanti, and Kade dyed Grandma's roots (the first time he ever did a blonde root job on anyone). We also did some yard work and prepared food for the BYU I Dance Alliance team who came for lunch on Saturday. (More about that in my next post) 

Leia loved watching the men's gymnastics!

Hair dying!
Finished product!

Making the chicken marinade for 40!

Prepping the salad for 40!

Victoria's back for the rest of the summer now and we went to Maybury before Grandma left. So now, I'm back to four kids, at least for a little while, and it's good to have all my kids back again!


  1. A wild encounter of the bear variety! That's equal parts SO COOL and totally scary! What a fun week "off" you had, too. Kade did a great job on your mom's hair. I'm not sure I knew that he enjoys skateboarding, but it was fun to see him on his board. That salad has me drooling! Can't wait to hear about Victoria's group visiting!

  2. so glad I could be OFF with you all. The love and spirit is so strong in your home ! great job mom!
