The Mercado Family

Sunday, July 28, 2024


 We had an early crop of raspberries this summer, which was the most we've had yet! We were very excited about this since all of our kids absolutely love raspberries and they happen to be the only thing from a garden that Erik will eat. Score! 

Most days I picked about a pint of raspberries for a couple of weeks!

We have also had a plethora of cucumbers, which at first I was wondering what to do with all of them, as I have been trying to eat as many as possible. Then I realized that since the BYU I Dance Alliance Team is coming to our house for lunch next Saturday, before their performance that night, and we're serving Lebanese Food, the salad we're making has cucumbers in it. I will need 8 cucumbers for it- perfect!

We don't always go to baseball games over the summer, but we have made it to a Tiger's game every few summers. This summer, our friends the Kishs, got tickets through Joe's position at Ford to go to a game, including sitting in a VIP lounge complete with all-you-can-eat food and they invited Jason and me to go! It was so much fun hanging with them, eating delicious food, and watching a baseball game that we actually won! The Tigers haven't been great recently, but we managed to pull off a win against the Guardians and the game didn't go on forever- another bonus! Since we had VIP tickets, we also had VIP parking and got out of the stadium quickly due to our close-by parking space in the garage. It was lovely!

Inside, where the food was.

Just outside where we ate. Jason has a Tigers hat, but we had to wear our Michigan shirts since we don't have Tigers shirts.

Before we left I snapped a couple of inconspicuous pics of the VIP lounge.

On the way out.

1 comment:

  1. Fresh raspberries and VIP tickets - that is summer living at its finest!
