The Mercado Family

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Lake Michigan

We made our annual trip to Lake Michigan last weekend. This time we stayed at PJ Hoffmaster. We had stayed there when Karissa was about 8 months old and Victoria not quite 3. I guess that would have been the summer we moved to this house. This time we stayed on the side with the campers. We got there late Friday night and so started our late schedule for the weekend, but it made it worth it for the highlight of the trip.

10 years ago at the same beach with Karissa in the backpack!

Watching Victoria play in the inlet.

Here's 2-year-old Victoria by the campfire!

We awoke late Saturday to the rain, but still were able to make our pancake breakfast. It cleared up but there was a red flag up for swimming in the lake, which meant no swimming due to dangerous currents. We hiked over to the beach to play on the dunes and noticed a fair amount of people in the water, despite the red flag. After running up and down some the dunes, we went to visit Hyubin (Logan's mom) and her family. They bought a house over Christmas and had a baby 6 weeks ago. The kids had fun playing with Logan and we ate pizza and visited with Hyubin, AJ, Jaden (the older brother) and baby Elliot. After a nice long visit, we brought Logan back with us to the campsite for some camping fun.

Red Flag

Dune fun

Trying not to get wet...

Running down the dunes

Inlet, facing the other way towards Lake Michigan is where those pics from 10 years ago were taken. 

Hiking up dune.

Victoria and baby Elliot.

 Jason prepared the dutch oven chili while I took the kids back to the lake. We did end up going in the water for a bit and everyone remained safe, but the water was freezing! The kids did some "cliff" jumping off the small dunes onto the sand and some dunes exploring. When it looked like the sun was about to set soon, I ran back to get our chili and chips and we watched the sun set over Lake Michigan while we ate our chili dinner. That was the highlight of the trip! (Also the fact that we were eating around 8:30 and the kids were so hungry, they ate so well, something that is rare in my family!)
Playing tag with Logan.

Living on the edge

"cliff" jumping

Sun starting to set
Got to have a dabber!

Sun getting lower.
Almost gone

The boys and Logan read books in bed, after roasting marshmallows and getting cleaned up. They read and then talked until after 11! On Sunday we awoke late again and headed over to a different part of the dunes after breakfast. Of course it was a green flag that morning, but we didn't plan on swimming. After packing up, we took Logan back to his house and said our farewells to everyone.
Late night readers

Calm Sunday water

Lake Michigan is amazing!

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