The Mercado Family

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Get Ready

We've enjoyed our summer of multiple activities, but we're ready for school! Last week we went to Miller Elementary for a meet and greet. Half of our school is going to Gallimore (where the new TAG school will be), including our principal, her office staff, the TAG teachers, some newly hired TAG teachers (three of which are my children's teachers from last year), and the TAG students (Karissa included).  Those loses will be replaced by more than half of the previous Gallimore students, a new principal and office staff, and some new teachers. All summer we've been attending Gallimore TAG socials to help start up the "new" school, but finally we had something at Miller since it will have a lot of changes too. We met some new students and teachers there. We even met Austin's new teacher, though we didn't know he was assigned to her class til yesterday. Austin will be in Mrs. Essenburg's class. He told me after the meet and greet that he is ready for homework again! I love this age when they love school so much!

Victoria will have Mrs. Morrin in a 4th/5th combo. Being a fifth grader and her last year in elementary, she's not very happy about it, but at least I know the teacher is good (something I can't say about the other 5th grade teacher...) Hopefully she'll rediscover that she can still see her besties in the other classes at recess and enjoy this last year at Miller. Meanwhile, Karissa will have the same teacher as last year, Mr. Anderson! Since she will be at a different school it will be nice to have the same teacher. We know his expectations and he knows Karissa, so it should be a positive first year in TAG. The principle actually called me a few weeks ago and asked me if this is something we would want, so it's no surprise! She will also be taking the bus for the first time ever. I was hesitant at first, but found out it will only be the TAG kids grades 3-5 on the bus, so I feel pretty good about it. It will make things a lot easier for me. The bus comes just 6 houses away from our house!

One other big change for us is that Logan and his family moved 2 1/2 hours away. He will be in kindergarten this year, so we wouldn't have seen him much anyhow, but this makes it way less often. They had some fun times with this boy!!
Lego's were the favorite.

Halloween in August

1 comment:

  1. say good bye to Logan and his family for me
    Victoria can be a school leader now,,was she interested in student council last year?
