A Chinese Alligator,
she touched a tree frog, and a Frilled Lizard and they got to see a tarantula up close in it's cage (yuck!) Though I didn't enjoy some of them, she enjoyed every single one.
After eating some pizza we learned about how to train zoo animals from a zoo keeper and then made some enrichment foods for the animals to be fed the next day. When we were done making the enrichment at 11:30 pm, we got to look at some animals at night; the cheetahs, tigers, and elephant who was mad and blowing dirt at us.
By the time midnight came and we were led to the museum to sleep, everyone was so tired from all the activities that we didn't have a bunch of giggling all night long, much to my relief!
At 7 am the next day they woke us up and we had breakfast then got a private tour of the zoo. Victoria stayed in front the whole time with the guide, she didn't want to miss a thing! We got to see the keepers feed our enrichments to the three animals we made them for. Here's the otter chasing after her fish pops. She moved so fast I couldn't get a good shot of her face.
Here's one of the orangutans enjoying an oatmeal-covered wreath with four grapes stuck to it.
Here's the rhino, though we didn't see him eating the melon bomb, which was a cantaloupe with carrots poked through all around it.
We were tired when we left, but it was definitely worth-while!
That is so cool!! What an experience!